Three Myths about the treatment of vitiligo is still in the medical profession.
The first myth is that the treatment of vitiligo is "impossible". This is obviously not true, and most patients can be achieved good results.
The second myth is that the oral presentations psoralens, which form the basis for certain treatment of vitiligo are "toxic to the liver." Oral psoralens are not toxic to the liver.
The third myth is that the psoralens + UVA (PUVA) for the treatment of vitiligo "because of skin cancer." Is for the treatment of vitiligo, the PUVA therapy requires only a limited number of treatments, about 150, the number has not been demonstrated, the cancer of the skin. In comparison, the PUVA treatments for psoriasis May so many that a doubling of the number of vitiligo. It has become apparent that a small percentage of patients who had more than 250 PUVA treatments May trying to develop skin cancer Squamous.
treatment of vitiligo
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